Healing in the New Year

Destiny by John William Waterhouse

For many, the new year brings New Year’s resolutions. For a witch, those resolutions are accompanied by a release of those things that no longer serve. A witch understands that to truly move forward, you must rid yourself of those things that drag you back.

As I go deeper into my study of the Craft, I have come to realize that I have a gift for healing and for psychism, including divination. Therefore, as the Roaring 20s get underway, my priority for the new year is to turn my healing skills on myself. I have been suffering from a variety of not-so-serious but still life-force draining issues over the past couple of years. I spent 2019 educating myself about all things fitness and nutrition, and I am a month or so away from completing my personal trainer certification. I am working on a nutrition coaching certification as well, and in a couple of months will complete my training as a Reiki Master.

Last month, on the night of the Dark Moon, I performed a banishing spell to banish my sugar addiction. I called on the powers of Hecate, Kali, Morgana, and Lilith and asked them to help remove that harm from my life. These powerful dark goddesses helped me cast out the control that “legal cocaine” had over me, and empowered me to continue to resist it.

So this new year, this new decade, I will let go of those things that no longer serve. I will use my knowledge and my skills as a witch and a healer to heal myself, from the inside out. I will harness the power of the Four Elements as they relate to health, to help strengthen my Fifth Element – spirit.

Though I will be starting on my new health program with the new year, I plan to perform an intention ritual on the first Full Moon of 2020. I will be asking for the assistance of Archangel Raphael, the Angel of Healing, and the power of the Four Elements to help me on my journey.

I will call on the power of Earth. I will overhaul my nutrition and eliminate those things from my diet that the Earth does not provide.

I will call on the power of Air. I have a stressful year ahead of me at work, so communication with my higher self via meditation, yoga, and Reiki will be extremely important to my health.

I will call on the power of Fire. I will harness my own inner fire to increase my metabolism, reduce my body fat, and improve my endurance through strength training and cardiovascular activity.

I will call on the power of Water. I will listen to my inner voice, practice inner healing, shadow work, and soul retrieval, to heal from the inside out.

My journey is just beginning and I am excited to see where it will lead. Happy New Year everyone, and welcome to the Roaring 20s!

Image source http://www.john-william-waterhouse.com/destiny/