Winter Solstice

Tonight is Winter Solstice, which makes today the last day of the solar year, and tomorrow a brand new year.  I have spent the time between Samhain and Yule reflecting on the last year, and deciding what I should release going into the new year.

I had several health issues this year, and my first priority in the new year will include healing and management of those issues.  This year will also include the completion of my second-degree studies in the Correllian Nativist tradition, my first-degree studies in Temple of Witchcraft, and my year-and-a-day studies with Black Rose.  I will finish my aromatherapy certification and my Reiki Master attunement.  In addition, I have several large projects at work, which will give me a chance to shine and make a positive difference.

I plan to spend today tidying the house, meditating, working on my Book of Shadows, and planning for the new year. I am still trying to decide how to share my healing gifts with others, but I am confident that all will be revealed to me at the right time. And tonight, I will be celebrating Yule under the stars in my back yard and casting a prosperity spell for the upcoming year.

So to everyone celebrating today, I wish you a happy Winter Solstice and Yule, and a wonderful upcoming new year!

Feature photo from


Today is the Litha, the celebration of the summer solstice and the longest day of the year. Rather than my usual backyard ritual, I decided to so something a little different. I took a relaxing walk around our beautiful village, enjoying in the warm sun and summer breezes, and admiring the summer blooms.

I have been struggling with my health of late, and I am finally starting to feel better. Time outdoors, enjoying the advent of summer and my improved health, seemed like the perfect way to honor the Goddess and God on Litha.

During my stroll, I captured some images of the abundance of summer in our village.

Crape myrtles in bloom

Day lilies outside a church

Magnolias in bloom & a street corner garden

Hydrangeas blooming near a roadside carriage house & my own beautiful hydrangeas

Sunshine on the lake

I am looking forward to many more rambling walks, now that summer is officially underway.

Featured image from Patrick Fore @ Unsplash
Additional images are my own